In a significant leap toward harnessing technology for national planning and development, Uganda is set to conduct a landmark digital census starting with 9th May 2024 as the Census reference night and the enumeration period scheduled for 10th-19th May 2024.  As specified in the Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD), the 2024 National Population and Housing Census (NPHC) is carried out by Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) led by the Census Commissioner (CC) who is the Executive Director (ED) Dr. Chris Mukiza.  The digital census will be carried out using Computer Assisted Personal interview (CAPI) tablets and use of Global Positioning System (GPS). The census information can be used in leveraging government programs including Parish development model, youth livelihood program and also in the development of NDP IV, as we aim at becoming a middle income economy as stipulated in Vision 2040.