Governance and Administration

Executive Committee

Vice Chancellor Dr. Charles W. Masaba

Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof. Charles Ssekyewa

Academic Registrar Ms. Ruth Sseninde

Quality Assurance Director Dr. Hiire Boaz

Top Management Committee

Dean Faculty of Business Administration and Managment Dr. Letcia Nakimuli Irumba

Dean Faculty of Science and Technology Mr. John Bosco Lubega

Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dr. Ongora Jerome

Dean Faculty of Education Prof. J.C Ssekamwa

Dean of Students/ PRO Mr. Mabira Simon Peter

Estates Manager Mr. Andrew Kimbugwe

Marketing and Promotions Officer Mr. MageziAaron

IT Manager Mr. Olivier Uwiragiye

Librarian. Mr. Daniel Ssetema

Deputy Director School of Postgraduate Studies Sr. Rhita Jane Kisembo

Ms. Madrene Nakisooka

Staff Representative Mr. Daniel Kalule

Director of Finance Mr. Andrew Ssali